Active Sex Life As A Way To Beat Erectile Problems After 50
Detrimental effects of disrupting sex life
Stopping having sex for a shorter or longer period can be a choice linked to many factors. Often, it is not necessary to have a precise reason. Indeed, according to statistics it would seem that even young people are having less sex lately: according to the numbers of the scientific magazine Archives Of Sexual Behavior of a couple of years ago, the percentage of people born in the eighties and nineties that between 18 and 24 years did not declare any sexual partner was 15%.
Obviously, if sexual life is interrupted, a series of changes in one's organism and mood are likely. Everything varies according to age, it depends on the state of health and the type of sex that was practiced. But on average the most immediate reaction revolves around libido, in a scenario in which sexual desires tend to fade. Although not for everyone: those who are deprived of it, on the contrary, can fall into a spiral of desire. In short, you can stop thinking about it or do nothing but mull over it.
Sex is a partly physical and partly mental issue. Discontinuing sex life means anesthetizing the effect of oxytocin and endorphins and being able to run the risk of feeling out of sorts. Nothing to do with depression, of course, although some studies have shown a possible - but not cause-and-effect - link between the absence of sex and those symptoms.
Then there are possible consequences of a strictly physiological type. Without sex you can feel more or less stressed. In general, those who are less stressed tend to have more sex, but again it is a connection and not a cause-and-effect relationship, experts say. In any case, if sex is instead a relief from stress, stopping it can obviously be harmful. On the other hand, sex itself can be a source of tension for many reasons, from erectile dysfunctions to habit, from lack of desire to a relationship that is veering the wrong way, and therefore not practicing it for a period can only lift from that problem. And bring down stress levels.
It therefore remains to be understood with serious studies whether his absence could have inverse consequences. In any case, experts assure, the ability to have sex remains immaculate even after a long period of break.

Erectile health benefits of regular sex
And again, for men who have sex less than once a week, the risk of developing erectile dysfunction is doubled compared to those who have more regular relationships. While, according to a US study, for those who exceed the ceiling of 21 erotic encounters a year, the risk of developing prostate cancer is reduced by 33%. A prolonged break from sexual activity also affects female pleasure, reducing lubrication and increasing the risk of arousal problems or reaching orgasm. Finally, porn is not an ally: watching it too often can 'de-sensitize' men and make it more difficult for them to get excited in the bedroom.
It is true that erectile disorders can be a serious reason for men to not want to engage in sex because of embarrassment, feeling of compromised virility and general inadequacy. But with efforts made towards overcoming this condition, seeing a doctor and starting to take drugs against erectile dysfunction like tadalafil or its analogs, can result in improved sexual ability even in an unmedicated state.