About Us
Meet the authors
Dear Visitor, we would like to present the specialists responsible for the scientific accuracy of our website. Please meet Dr. Bhupendra Panchal and Dr. Vipin Tyagi, the urology doctors who share their precious time with our users.
What drives the doctors to offer their expertise online, free of charge? There are many reasons for the specialists to want to give away their advice for free, but they all begin where the vocation to become a doctor starts. In the words of Dr. Panchal, the greatest reward of a medicine practitioner is to give their services to those who need them, without borders or any other limits. Thanks to the modern technology, patients all around the world can now have access to professional knowledge and experience of the specialists.
How do our authors help us to take better care of our users? The materials published on our website are monitored and edited by the qualified healthcare professionals. Eventual questions asked by our users are attended to by board-certified doctors of urology, and their recommendations can be relied on. However, our specialists remind you that online consultations cannot replace an actual visit to a doctor’s office, and none of the healthcare tips shared on the pages of our resource should be taken as direct instructions. We quote the recommendations of Dr. Panchal and Dr. Vipin Tyagi as reference materials only, and caution our users from following any medical advice other than that received personally in the doctor’s office.
Professional experience of our specialists
Ever since he turned 15, Dr. Bhupendra Panchal had known he would become a doctor. With his grandfather a renowned cardiologist and his mother a doctor of endocrinology, the young Bhupendra got to listen to endless stories recounted in his family, stories that featured lives saved and wellbeing attended to. Dr. Panchal thinks that there was no chance of him pursuing any other career path, seeing that a genuine and unselfish care for people runs in his veins. He is proud to say that his two daughters and a grandson have followed into his footsteps as medical specialists.

Dr. Panchal attended the University Of London which he graduated from with a degree of Doctor Of Urology in 1987. His career life included working at Panchal Urology Center as the leading urologist of his department, Shalby Hospitals, and as a consultant for the Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Aspiring to offer his help to broader populations, Dr. Panchal joined our team as a consultant and a contributing author – an initiative that we are very grateful for.
Dr. Vipin Tyagi’s professional path started when he graduated from the King George Medical College in 2005. In 2006, Dr. Tyagi joined the team of Sir Ganga Ram hospital as consultant laproscopic and robotic urologist, andrologist and kidney transplant surgeon. Sexual health and erectile function are of particular health for Dr. Tyagi, and he is passionate about finding new reach materials on the matter and suggesting new treatments for his patients, in the office and online.
We would like to reiterate that as a user of our platform, you can always count on receiving answers to all of your questions related to urological trouble and sexual health. Write us an email, and we will be happy to forward your query to our respected professionals!